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Cargo Castors from Colson Europe!

Express air cargo handlers worldwide rely on
cargo castors from Colson Europe B.V. for their systems!

In today's world fast sometimes is not enough. That is why all major express air cargo handlers invest in their hub and spoke model.

Within each hub, ULD cargo systems are designed for a maximum throughput in the shortest possible time. One can imagine unexpected downtime is not allowed and so reliability and life time are of major importance here!

In this environment cargo castors from Colson Europe feel at home. Since our products are fit for purpose and thus fulfill their part of the job trouble free for many years. So every day cargo integrators value our quality products from Veenendaal The Netherlands.

Click here to send us your specific request.
We will be happy to assist you with your design!

Cargo Castors from Colson, simply the best solution for your Cargo Center!
Trouble free ULD Handling with Made in Holland Colson Castors

Postbus 421
3900 AK Veenendaal
Generatorstraat 11
3903 LH Veenendaal
  +31(0)318 536611
+31(0)318 526876
Colson Europe

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Concept and realisation: Colson Europe BV